Despite video games existing since the 1960’s it is only in recent years that they have achieved widespread popularity with the public and gained a popular place in society. For many years Video Games were looked upon as toys for children and teenagers and thus shunned in the same manner mediums such as comics have suffered.
The industry’s endurance to expand into the mainstream market has paid off making it quite clear that video games are here to stay. This is only further ramified by the industry now trying to bridge the gap between the casual and hardcore market to allow spill-over each way in turn making more sales.
Video games are already playing a huge role within society almost as much as music, film and television and this is rising at an exponential rate every month. As this is a new frontier for a relatively new medium making an impact on society I would like to research said impact and evaluate what video games mean to individuals, our culture / society and of course the industry itself.
Methods of research
o Interviews
· Friends
· Family Members
· Developers
· Online friends
o Websites
· Gamasutra
· Kotaku
· Developer blogs
o Journals and studies
· Industry magazines / websites
· Online