Thursday 5 March 2009

Presentation Abstract - Resi Evil and Bio Terrorism

Hey People

I have posted my Presentation Abstract on the blog for people to view and see what they think of my presentation if that is OK. I was going to put it into fileshare website, but my account is not working at the moment so I have put it into the end of this post (Sorry about that)

Title of Presentation/Essay:

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X and the Portrayal of Bio Terrorism in Video Games.

Presentation Synopsis

Terrorism is a subject that been put into widespread discussion over the last 30 years and has become the main focus point for many forms of media ranging from films such as World Trade Centre; telling the story of two police officers trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Centre wreckage after the 9/11 attacks to TV Series such as 24.

But no form of media has more coverage of the terrorism subject than Video Games which over the last few years, has basically covered all areas of terrorism ranging from the Hunt for Osama Bin Laden in America’s Top 10 Most Wanted to Bio Terrorism in games like Resident Evil

For this assignment, I have chosen to focus on the title, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X and its portrayal of Bio Terrorism within the game; this is because I feel that it’s storyline and the use of the series characters creates a realistic scenario of what could happen if Bio-Hazards such as the T-Veronica virus were created in real life and what could happen if an organisation such as The Agency or the games main antagonists; The Ashford Family wanted to use them for their own personal gains.


  1. There is quite a lot of writting on Terrorism and Games, this paper is well worth a look...

    Stahl, R., 2006. Have you played the war on terror? Critical Studies in Media Communication, 23, 112-130.

  2. If you look at the controversy firing of the upcoming Resident Evil 5 the plot isn't that far fetched (from what I know, the racial stuff targeted at Capcom is a farce, Its set in Africa who are the media expecting to live their? Wookie's? Yoshi's?.

    If a large pharmaceutical company wanted to test a new virus wouldn't they try in an medically unregulated 3rd world country rather than a western location like Raccoon city? (the virus was an outbreak there, not intentional from what remember of the plot anyway). Resident Evil when it was based around the Raccoon city story arc had a fantastic gripping narrative (while Resident Evil 4 was great the saga ended for me when Claire and Chris Redfield ended Code Veronica's epic quest) but I feel that less emphasis is now on what made the series so awesome (the fear factor, constantly being shocked as you have just ran out of ammo and green herbs!). Its a shame that sequel after sequel dilutes the saga that was once survival horror 101 for me.
