Sunday, 22 February 2009

Reading (Week 3) Revised

This weeks reading is...

Montola, M. (2005) Exploring the Edge of the Magic Circle. Defining Pervasive Games. DAC 2005 conference, December 1.-3. IT University of Copenhagen. Available at: [Accessed February 03, 2009].

as a further reading...

Nieuwdorp, E. (2005). The Pervasive Interface; Tracing the Magic Circle. DiGRA 2005, June 16-20. Vancouver Available at: [Accessed February 01, 2009].
(sorry i posted this as the reading by mistake)


  1. If you are having trouble with the concept of the "Magic Circle" here is a brief summary of it from

    Salen, K. & Zimmerman, E., (2003) Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, The MIT Press.

    - Every game exists within a frame: a specially demarcated time and space. The frame communicates to players, consciously or unconsciously, that a game is being played.

    - The magic circle of a game is the space within which a game takes place. Whereas more informal forms of play do not have a distinct boundary, the formalized nature of games makes the magic circle explicit.

    - Within the magic circle, the game's rules create a special set of meanings for the players of a game. These meanings guide the play of the game.

    - As a system, a game can be considered to have an open or closed relationship to its context. Considered as RULES, a game is closed. Considered as PLAY, a game is both open and closed. Considered as CULTURE, a game is open.

    - The lusory attitude is the state of mind required to enter into the play of a game. To play a game, a group of players accepts the limitations of the rules because of the pleasure a game can afford.

    There is a chapter in the core concepts of game design in the book devoted to the magic circle, it might be worth you looking at it as further reading.

  2. Cheers for this, Mr Hook. I'm feeling slightly cheated that I won't be able to figure out the 'sawing-a-woman-in-half' trick from this week's reading but it looks interesting nevertheless.

  3. Just a not that the further reading is not composary but is a good extra text, it is more complicated and more indepth... it's a bloody good read though if you like that sort of thing
